past sponsors ...

Sponsor Web Sites

  We link to sponsor pages from both our main and detailed schedules, but only at the sponsor's request.

Sponsor site web pages may be:

  • Your organization's main web page
  • Your organization's web page about the visit
  • A member of your organization's web page about the visit
  • Your town's Chamber of Commerce or Visitors' Bureau
  • A schedule of your events that resides on our site

Please include maps or written directions to your site. You'd be surprised how many people will travel for hours to visit The Moving Wall™. If you're in a small town or small suburb please include directions from a nearby large city.

Sponsor web sites in 2012:

Sponsor web sites in 2006:

Sponsor web sites in 2005:

Sponsor web sites in 2004:

Sponsor web sites in 2002:

